Thursday, December 19, 2019

Beyond Race Human Biological Diversity - 2476 Words

Term Paper: Beyond Race: Human Biological Diversity This investigation is an exploration into the Kotch and Chernofsky family history. In which the cultural and historical background of each ancestry will be examined. Additionally, this investigation will also examine the paternal genetic lineage of the Kotch Family. In which the genomic haplogroup will be expressed through ancestral analysis and migration patterns. The Mother of Ariel Kotch was born in 1967 in Queen NY, her name is Eva Chernofsky. Her Mother, Ariel Kotch’s grandmother, is Ellen Chernofsky and she was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1927, her maiden name is Ellen Jung. Ellen Jung was married to Jacob Chernofksy who was born in Brooklyn in 1982 in the Crown Heights. His father was known as Max Chernofsky and was born in the Ukraine in 1891 and worked as an accountant, he was brought to America at a very young age and died in 1960. Jacob Chernofsky’s mother was Bertha Cohen, who had traveled from Lithuania to Brooklyn. Ellen Chernofksy’s parents li ved in Urbana, Illinois, and her father, Leo Yung was born in 1891 in Czechoslovakia and attended the University of Cambridge, Vienna, Berlin, as well as the University of London the latter of which he obtained his Ph.D. at. When he moved to America in 1920 he practiced as a Rabbi at the Jewish Center on West 86th street located in Manhattan in 1922. He died at 95 years of age in Manhattan in 1942 (Saxon, 1987). His father was known as Maurice Jung and was born inShow MoreRelatedThe Impact of Humans on the Biological Diversity of Natural Ecosystems1525 Words   |  7 PagesThe Impact of Humans on the Biological Diversity of Natural Ecosystems Introduction Since humans have come into existence they have always been a cause of change of whatever natural areas they inhabit along with the living organisms of those natural areas. 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