Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Perceived Impact of Tourism Business in Surigao City free essay sample

This study assessed the Perception in the Impact of Tourism Business in Surigao City. Specifically, this study used the descriptive – survey type of research among the 30 participants from the 5 selected tourism awardee establishments. The researcher – made questionnaire was the main tool used to gathered data. Responses to the questionnaire were tallied, analyzed and treated using frequency and percentage computation, mean and standard deviation and analysis of variance. The following are the summarized findings of the study: Ages 20 – 25 years old got the highest number of participants (11 out of 30) who responded to the researchers’ survey. In terms of sex, the majority of the participants (18 out of 30) are females while males (12 out of 30) got the lowest. As to civil status of the participants, the majority of them (18 out of 30 or 60. 00 %) are single. With regards to the highest educational attainment, most of the participants are college graduates. The grand mean of the participant’s perception on the impact of tourism business to Surigao City is 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Perceived Impact of Tourism Business in Surigao City or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 36 with a standard deviation of 0. 3144. Of the three major indicators, it is the aspect of Economic had a mean of 3. 45 and standard deviation of 0. 3998. The aspect of Environmental obtained the mean of 3. 29 and Social obtained the mean 3. 33. The p – value of age, sex and highest educational attainment is 0. 65, 0. 13 and 0. 18 which are higher than the stated value of 0. 05 in the hypothesis. In terms of civil status, which has the p – value of 0. 01, is lower than the 0. 05 level of significance. Based on the findings presented, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) Tourism establishments have greatly contributed to the development of the tourism business in Surigao City. (2) Tourism Business contributes to the maintenance of the environment of the City, social strengthening of the residents and increase economic condition of the municipality. (3) There is a significant difference on the perceived impact of tourism business when hey are grouped according to the profile variables. In the foregoing findings and conclusions, the following are recommended

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